Please Note: This store will undergo required maintenance on Tuesday, March 11th, from approximately 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you!

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    22oz Copper Insulated Bottle

    $16.85 (USD)
  • Durable, double-wall stainless steel vacuum construction with copper insulation, which allows your beverage to stay cold for 48 hours and hot for at least 12 hours.
  • The construction also prevents condensation on the outside of the bottle.
  • On-trend, durable powder coating.
  • Stainless steel screw-on, spill resistant lid with durable stainless steel hand loop.
  • Wide opening for comfortable filling and pouring.
  • .Perfect for ice cubes.
  • Fits most standard car cup holders.
  • 22oz.
  • SKU: BUL1082-BLK-OS
    Availability: Out of stock
    On Order: n/a
    Available On: n/a