Please Note: This store will undergo required maintenance on Tuesday, March 11th, from approximately 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you!
All prices are displayed in United States Dollar (USD). Apex Advertising is not responsible for discrepancies related to amounts charged due to currency conversion rates.
Duties and Taxes
Duties and taxes are not calculated at check out. Any applicable charges for duties and taxes will be in addition to the product and freight total calculated at check out.
Duties and taxes will be charged for all international shipments. These charges could take up to 5 weeks to be processed. An invoice will be emailed from the Apex billing department and a credit card may be entered to provide payment for the charges at the link provided in the email.
Duties and taxes will be charged for each shipment. If an order is broken into two shipments due to backordered items, duties and taxes will apply to each shipment.
If you would like to avoid multiple charges for duties and taxes, you may contact Apex Advertising and ask for your order to be held and shipped 100% complete. This will ensure one shipment and one charge for duties and taxes.
The order placer does not have the ability to select a preferred customs broker.
Depending on client billing preferences, duties and taxes may be billed to the client company and not the individual order placer.